Similar words: free enterprise, enterprise, enterprising, private, privately, in private, private sector, private school. Meaning: n. an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices private-enterprise. adj. subscribing to capitalistic competition.
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1. This is a private enterprise.
2. The Act will encourage private enterprise.
3. Conservativegovernments in Britain favour private enterprise rather than nationalization.
4. Some economists strongly believe in private enterprise.
5. That is an extraordinary doctrine of private enterprise.
6. These should be run by private enterprise.
7. He has announced that private enterprise will be allowed to flourish.
8. Where private enterprise has stepped in, the results have been variable.
9. Even if we accept the underlying private enterprise philosophy of Making Belfast Work, some basic flaws exist.
10. Its faith in private enterprise was nearly as absolute as its earlier faith that settlement would make the climate wetter.
11. Although the government aims to encourage private enterprise, around one third of the economy will remain under state control,( enterprise.html) for the time being.
12. Private Enterprise by Richard Smith Ferdie finds fame after years in background.
13. After graduation, Daley had his last experience with private enterprise.
14. The development was originally envisaged as a private enterprise initiative.
15. Private enterprise now accounts for half the economy and is expanding by 25% a year.
16. Private enterprise and initiative would replace the stultifying effect of joint responsibility and periodic redistribution of land.
17. He advocated experiments with private enterprise in the coal industry.
18. The government has set up a special economic zone to promote private enterprise.
19. After 1475, however, Gloucester made no further acquisitions, either through royal grants or private enterprise.
20. Even more alluringly, the entire process could be handed over to private enterprise.
21. Pavlov combined his allegations with an attack on free marketeers and private enterprise joint venture companies.
22. You hear the same sort of thing from people who worked with Bush in private enterprise.
23. Its political platform is brief: the iron hand against Communism to save private enterprise.
24. The urban economic reforms had led to price increases in basic foodstuffs and the introduction of private enterprise in the university canteens.
25. Council building reaped the benefit of the price set by private enterprise.
26. For example[], few people know the Internet is now completely owned and operated by private enterprise.
27. In a slip of time, the mantle of achievement passed from private enterprise to public works.
28. In the context of urban policy this meant that cities must follow the lead of private enterprise.
29. But it gave its inner-city policy a new direction by stressing the role of private enterprise in economic regeneration.
30. So modest pay increases were accompanied by a lifting of restrictions on public officials engaging in private enterprise.
More similar words: free enterprise, enterprise, enterprising, private, privately, in private, private sector, private school, private property, the private sector, private ownership, privation, privatize, surprise, surprised, deprivation, in surprise, underprivileged, privatisation, privatization, fingerprint, privacy, interpreter, surprising, surprisingly, interpret, apprise, comprise, reprise, consumer price index.